Friday, May 29, 2015

By the end of Cavs/Warriors, LeBron, Jordan and Magic Will Have All Played About the same number of Playoff Minutes  It will be around 7,400-7,600. 

Clear edges -- Magic with assists, Jordan if you include "Steals+Blocks" as a category, LeBron in fewest fouls

Close ones -- Effective FG%, True shooting %. 

Where will they rank:

Win Shares:
1 Jordan
2 LeBron
3 Magic

Value Above Replacement Player:
1 James
2 Jordan
3 Magic

Box Score Plus-Minus:
1 James
2 Jordan
3 Magic

Titles Won:
1 Jordan
2 Magic
3 James


Al Swearengen said...

What about the "Titles Lost" category?

HM said...

Jordan - no Finals lost
LeBron lost in 2007, 2011, 2014.
Magic -- lost in 1983, 84, 89, 91